Advertise with Maryland Hunting Quarterly

print-ready copy is not necessary; we will design your ad!

 View our advertising rates below and feel free to contact us with any questions!
If you would prefer to design your own ad, please review our mechanical requirements at the bottom of this page.


2025 rate schedule


Full Page - $689

9” W X 9.6425” H

4 consecutive-edition discount: $629/ea


9” W X 9.875” H

Inside Front Cover: $789
Inside Back Cover: $789
Back Cover: $889

Half Page - $459

9” W x 4.741 h

4.4167” W x 9.6425 H

4 consecutive-edition discount: $419/ea

quarter page - $239

4.4167” W X 4.7417” H

4 consecutive-edition discount: $199/ea

one-eighth page - $129

4.4167” W x 2.3088” H

2.125” W X 4.7417” H


*Discounts apply only with a signed advertising contract.
No discounts on Inside Front, Inside Back, or Back Covers.

all advertisements include process color.

See below for mechanical requirements.

Terms: Prepayment is required upon approval of proof. Discounts will not be applied on past due invoices. 1.5% per month late fee on invoices over 30 days. $30 fee for dishonored (returned, NSF) checks.

Visa, Mastercard, Discover and American Express credit cards accepted

Each issue will be available online at

Free link from our home page to yours included with ads 1/2 page or larger.




winter issue
(Nov. - dec. - jan.)

October 10

Spring issue
(feb. - march - april)

January 10


fall issue
(aug. - sept. - oct.)

July 10

summer issue
(may - june- july)

April 10


Due to increased printing costs and increases for services and supplies, Ellis Outdoors, LLC found it necessary to slightly increase the Advertising Rates for 2025. Please click here to download a printable version of the
2025 Rate Card.


mechanical requirements

if you prefer to provide a camera-ready ad, please follow the mechanical requirements below.

Proofs are available upon request.

Only the ad sizes listed will be accepted as print-ready artwork. Ads not adhering to these sizes will be altered to accommodate contracted ad space according to the publisher’s discretion.


preferred for all print-ready ads

PDF (PDF/X-1a compliant).
Tiff and jpeg files also accepted with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi.
all colors must be cmyk color mode.
100%K is required for black text.

acceptable media

E-mail preferred
USB flash drives and CDs accepted.


your electronic file (smaller than 10mb) to: Use StuffIt or Zip compression if necessary. If your file is larger (up to 25gb), please upload to




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Contact or call (410) 382-9481.


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